Foundation Council
Delegate of the Neuchâtel Cantonal Government: Mr Mathieu Aubert
Delegate of the Municipality of Val-de-Travers: Mr Yves Fatton
Delegate of the ARVT (Association Régionale Val-de-Travers): Mr Frédéric Mairy
Mrs Laurence Vaucher (Fondation pour la Sauvegarde de la tradition et du patrimoine horloger de Fleurier et du Val-de-Travers)
Mr Karl-Friedrich Scheufele (Chopard Manufacture SA)
Mr Michel Parmigiani
Mr Daniel Bolognesi (Chopard Manufacture SA)
Mr François Girardet (Consultant)
Mr François Matile
Executive Board
Mr François Matile, President
Mr Karl-Friedrich Scheufele, First Vice-President
Mr Michel Parmigiani, Second Vice-President
Mr Daniel Bolognesi, Member
Technical committee
Mr François Girardet (President)
Mr Michel Parmigiani (Vice president)
Mr Francisco Dias
Brunner & Associés SA, Neuchâtel
Arbitration authority
Mr François Knoepfler, attorney, Neuchâtel